
Trouble Balancing Your Personal & Professional Life?

We were told we can do whatever we set our mind out to do, we can do it all, yet no one has really showed us how, or where to begin. How many times have you said ” there is just not enough time, if only there were more hours in a day”? I spent most of my parenting days as a single mom, my focus was advancing through the organizations for which I worked , with the intentions of earning more at each advancement to put a roof over my children’s heads, food in their stomachs, and clothes on

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How to succeed without the leadership you need

Moving to new Heights

Lack of leadership, professionalism, and accountability can hurt employee morale,  interfere with a team’s ability to work together, and ultimately affect the success of your company. So what do you do when it is your manager/supervisor that is displaying and allowing this behavior? Recently I had a client come to me that was very concerned about the team for which she works. She loves her job, and her company treats her very well, however behind the scenes there are catty arguments,  displays of inappropriate behavior, favoritism, and a less then equal delegation of the workload. Team members and supervisors from

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Recently I had the opportunity to attend various networking events where the topic of millennials has been a hot button item. Upon the mention of millennials many senior management members tend to snub at the idea of welcoming them into their workforce. Well rest assured millennials do not have cooties! While some might dispute their work experience, radical ideas, or even commitment to an employer, millennials may truly be the edge that your company needs to get ahead.  In a world of ever changing technology and trends, millennials offer outside of the box thinking, and the ability to recognize and

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Save the Date!

Source: New feed The post Save the Date! appeared first on Lisa Fisher. Source: New feed

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Athena WIN Girls Night Out, Holiday Entertaining at the University Club!

A wonderful evening at the U-Club for a Holiday Entertaining Class featuring Executive Chef John Findley,  Bartender Brandon Lee, Pastry Chef Katie Chapman and Decorator Amie Dutter. This four part class on Holiday Entertaining, included presentations on how to make three holiday appetizers, two specialty cocktails, and two desserts, with some simple decorating ideas and tips.  What a great time, check out Athena WIN and the U-Club for other events and information!!     Source: New feed

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Women in Successful Enterprises

WISE fosters an environment of growth and support where businesswomen connect with each other. WISE women take their business to the next stage and contribute to each other’s successful growth. Source: New feed

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Goal Setting for 2018 & Beyond with ATHENA WIN

Join ATHENA WIN, the Women’s Interest Network Nov 2nd, 2017 for a morning dedicated to Goal Setting for a Successful 2018 and beyond! The quickest way to reach any destination is a straight path. The process of goal setting helps identify the road map for creating a personalized plan that will deliver extraordinary results, not only in your professional life, your personal life as well. Through tools and strategies, you will discover hidden goals, tap wasted time and identify the path to reaching your big goals. What we focus on today, leads us to where we intend to be in

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Return on Investment of Time EPSON MFP image Source: New feed The post Return on Investment of Time appeared first on Lisa Fisher. Source: New feed

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