Archive for the Podcast Category

S3E16 – Hospitality Training Institute

Today’s Guests: Justin Winslow and Emily Daunt Justin Winslow and Emily Daunt lead the charge at the Hospitality Training Institute, a vital initiative of the Michigan Restaurant and Lodging Association (MRLA).

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S3E14- Amy Piper- Local Author

Today’s Guest: Amy J. Piper, Ph.D. Writer and Photographer Amy Piper is a Michigan-based author, blogger, and freelance travel writer. Amy’s journey is one of relentless exploration and promotion of her beloved Midwest,

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S3E10 – Aaron Weiner – MSU Dairy Store

Today’s Guest: Aaron Weiner, Administrative Manager at MSU Dairy Store Aaron Weiner began his journey in the restaurant industry at 14, eventually becoming the administrative manager at the MSU Dairy Store after graduating from Michigan State Universit…

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S3E7 – Mollie Woods – MSU Product Center

Today’s Guest: Mollie Woods, Director of  MSU Product Center at Michigan State University. Mollie Woods is the director of the MSU Product Center, a program based at Michigan State University aimed at nurturing food businesses and entrepreneurs in Mich…

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S3E6 – Reach Studio Art Center

Today’s Guests: Alice Brinkman, Founder of Reach Studio Art Center, and Melissa Keely, Executive Director of Reach Studio Art Center. Alice Brinkman is the founder of Reach Studio Art Center, sharing her journey from being a textile artist and surface …

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